July 2006

this is wide open to interpretation, but…

…knowing internet memes as they are…

These terms only appear in links pointing to this page: …” <– this is the highest google hit for those three terms listed at the top of that search page…

a different set of twangy vibrations:


unrelated, but still epic:

unrelated, and a little less epic:

Truck Carrying Missile Overturns On I-95 In Bronx

aka why the bronx still matters.


a few takes.  you decide.





5.  oldie but goodie:

6.  and another one:

from a 2006-07-22 01:39:01 AM Charl23 post on this fark thread:





Elvish Kramer



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either that, or he is the most perfectly and painfully (to others) uncoordinated man on earth:

if i was a ref i would root this shit out like a rusty plow. i hate this. too bad it’s institutionalized despite all the arm-waving to the contrary. still, a soccer player can dream of one day watching a game that goes for minute-long stretches at a time without foul interruptions.

defaced “art”:

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