
depending on the fontface you use, this is how people perceive you:

i am a lover of Verdana, particularly the way it looks when it’s small.  in fact, i wish it scaled up instead of just morphing into a totally different font somewhere around 10pt.

but i digress.  Verdana didn’t fare so well in this study.  people seem to perceive its unseen users as dull.  but, like me, before you despair that people don’t perceive you as the person you think you are, note that these same 561 people picked Times New Roman as the best font for all things webtext.  so, YMMV.

and by O.R. we mean overrun also known as overflow, of the integer variety. spent a while wondering why my java program was producing negative numbers via multiplication and division of strictly positive numbers. as far as i can tell, java simply does not check for integer overflow. had to convert everything into BigDecimal and BigInteger then back to .doubleValue() for it all to work without throwing up exceptions or error messages. JUST WORK, DAMMIT!!!